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A textbook on practical psychophysiology has been published.

In September 2024, the MITU-MASI publishing house published a textbook for universities, "Psychophysiological aspects of development and social behavior of the individual", written by A. Danilov together with RSUH associate professor R. Barabanov.

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A new article by A.V. Danilov.

In the first issue of 2024 of the magazine "Bulletin of MASI", an article by A.V. Danilov "INFANTILITY: THE PHENOMENON OF TRANSFORMING AN INSTRUMENT OF EVOLUTION INTO A FACTOR OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DESTRUCTION". The article describes a theory about the influence of the phenomenon of infantilism on biological, mental and social processes.

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Seminar "General psychophysiological massage" in Moscow.

On March 20-22, 2024, A.V. Danilov held a seminar "General psychophysiological massage" using his own method. The seminar was organized by the company SPAQUATORIA (Moscow)

А. Данилов. Семинар Психофизиологический массаж (Москва).jpg

 Interview at the Mediametrics radio station (Moscow).

In February 2024, during a trip to Moscow, A. Danilov gave an interview to Mediametrics radio journalist Olga Kalashnikova. You can watch the interview by following the link.

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A. Danilov’s student received the Grand Prix of the national music competition.

Andrey Danilov's student, schoolgirl Adiya Malikova (Atyrau, Kazakhstan), received the Grand Prix of the national music competition.

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Seminar on counteracting stress in Astana.

On November 6, 2023, Andrey Danilov held a seminar in Astana on working with stressful conditions for specialists from the Institute of Integrative Medicine.

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International Award Pioneer of wellness

On September 16, 2023, A. Danilov took part in the international congress spa&wellness SWIC, held in Minsk. At the congress, Andrey presented a report on the possibility of using the technologies included in the Psychophysiological Matrix methodology in the field of human health. His report won an international award in the category “Innovative Methodology” and the title “Pioneer of wellness” for its author.

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International competition

On June 2-4, 2023, the International Competition was held in Atyrau. A.V. Danilov took part in the work of this competition as chairman of the jury.

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A. Danilov was elected academician of the AMTN.

In March 2023, Andrey Danilov was elected a full member (academician) of the Academy of Medical Technology.

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Report by A.V. Danilov at an international conference.

On April 15, 2023, a scientific online conference "Integrative Trends in Modern Practical Psychology; Experience and Prospects" was held, at which A.V. Danilov made a report on the topic "Psychophysiology in the work of a practicing psychologist."

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Master class for MASU students

November 1, 2022 A.V. Danilov held a master class for students of the Faculty of Psychology of the MASU (Moscow).

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International congress IAPS

October 29, 2022 A.V. Danilov took part in the work of the 24th International Congress of Psychologists, held in Yaroslavl. During the Congress, he was awarded the 30th Anniversary Medal for IAPS for his outstanding contribution to the development of the theory and practice of psychological science.

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International competition

From September 9 to 12, 2022, the international competition was held in Atyrau (Kazakhstan), where A.V. Danilov was the chairman of the jury. He also held a master class for young vocalists of Atyrau and performed at a gala concert.

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New edition of the book "The Energy of Sound".

One of the most famous books by Andrey Danilov - "Sound Energy", previously sold only in paper form in bookshop, is now published by Ridero publishing house  and is available both in electronic and printed form. The book is devoted to the method of teaching singing to people who do not have natural vocal abilities, created by Andrey Danilov. This book describes all stages of the development of a professional singer - from tuning the unique timbre of his voice and the intricacies of working with works of classical and pop genres, to the nuances of performing on stage, working in a recording studio, filming on television and communicating with the press. Readers of this book call it "a mini-encyclopedia of vocal art."

You can buy the book "Energy of Sound" by clicking on the link

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A new book by Andrey Danilov has been published.

Ridero publishing house published a collection of short stories by A.V. Danilov "History of the Superman". In this book, written in a lively and emotional language, the author builds an ideology of individual knowledge of the world in the genres of science fiction and political detective story. The first story describes the hero's initiation into "secret knowledge", in the second story the "superman" fights with a powerful enemy, the third part of the collection is a "treatise on truth", written on behalf of the protagonist. Buy a book

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Andrey Danilov took part in the All-Russian scientific conference

In February 2022, the Petri Primi academia scentiarum et atrium held the All-Russian Conference "Popularization and promotion of scientific knowledge in modern Russia: goals, objectives, resources"", at which A.V. Danilov made a report on the topic "Risks and benefits of popularization of scientific knowledge in the conditions of globalization of information sources". As a result of the event, a collection of articles was published, which was included in the RSCI.

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A new book by A.V. Danilov.

In May 2021, Ridero published a new book by A.V. Danilova "Psychophysiological matrix of a person. What controls our life?" In this book, the author, combining physiology and psychology, talks about the global structure that invisibly affects the quality of life of every person. He also describes practical techniques with which we can influence the negative aspects of our Matrix. You can purchase the book in electronic or paper version by following the link

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The new theory of A.V. Danilova is registered internationally.

Andrey Danilov received a certificate of international registration of a new theory of the Psychophysiological Matrix and a practical method of work on its correction. Registration in the "Works of Science" format was carried out in the INTEROCO depository (Berlin) and covers 167 countries. The theory combines all the factors influencing human life - physiological, psychological and social, and describes the methods of their complex correction.


Online concert dedicated to the Victory anniversary.

On May 9, 2020, the Russian Cultural Center in Kazakhstan, due to the impossibility of holding a "live" concert due to quarantine measures, organized a broadcast of an online concert, during which famous cultural figures of Kazakhstan congratulated the veterans on the Victory anniversary. Andrey Danilov sang the song "Cranes. (It seems to me sometimes ..)" muses. J. Frenkel, lyrics R. Gamzatova. Accompanied by I. Oleksenko. You can watch the video by following this link

А. Данилов и И. Олексенко. 9 мая 2020 го

Master class in Moscow.

November 23, 2019 A.V. Danilov held a master class on the author's method of voice psychophysiological correction for practicing psychologists and students of profile specialization within the framework of the All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Innovative methods of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with developmental disabilities" with international participation.

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May 2-4 A.V. Danilov was the chairman of the jury of the International Competition

On May 2-4, 2019, Andrey Danilov worked as the chairman of the jury of the International Competition in Atyrau.

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May 1 A.V. Danilov held a seminar in Atyrau.

On May 1, 2019, Andrey Danilov held a seminar on the method of voice psychological transformation of personality in Atyrau (Kazakhstan).

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Andrey Danilov gave a lecture to medical workers.

April 2, 2019 A.V. Danilov gave a lecture on his method of voice psychophysiological transformation to the staff of the "Alatau Med" medical center (Almaty).

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The personal page of Andrey Danilov has appeared on the Internet resource "Meditation Portal".

The Internet resource "Meditation Portal" is dedicated to various aspects of self-development. In March 2019, the personal page of A.V. Danilov. The page contains the biography, articles and work schedule of Andrey Viktorovich. You can visit the page by following the link

Андрей Данилов. Фотосессия 2016 года 1.J

On April 18-22, Andrey Danilov conducted a training in Moscow.

In the period from April 18 to April 22, 2019, Andrey Danilov's training course "The Way to Oneself. Personal Development through the Voice" was held in Moscow.

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Live on Facebook.

On February 21, Andrey Danilov hosted a live broadcast on the social network Facebook. The lecture was devoted to the nuances of the relationship between a man and a woman.

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The program of A. Danilov's stay in St. Petersburg in January 2019.

From 17 to 25 January 2019, Andrey Danilov held several events in St. Petersburg. During this period, a group training "The path to oneself. Development of personality through the voice" and individual consultations took place. Also, Andrey Viktorovich gave lectures in the Etalon business club, the Psychometrics center, and recorded an online course "How to make stress a resource state of the psyche?"

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Andrey Danilov was awarded the academic title of professor.

On February 28, 2019, Andrey Danilov was awarded a certificate of conferring the academic title of professor. The site administration congratulates Andrey Viktorovich on this significant event!

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Andrey Danilov's technique is registered at the international level.

On December 5, 2018, A.V. Danilova "The method of voice psychophysiological transformation and personality correction", which includes technologies for the application of voice practices in various spheres of human life, was formalized by an international copyright certificate covering 167 countries of the world.

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On December 12-15 A. Danilov held a training in Almaty.

On December 12-15, 2018, Andrey Danilov conducted the training "Path to oneself. Development of personality through the voice" in Almaty.

Андрей Данилов проводит тренинг в Центре

Andrey Danilov took part in the Christmas concert

January 14, 2019 at the Theater for Young Spectators named after N. Sats (Almaty) hosted a traditional Christmas concert. Andrey Danilov performed two songs - "Russian Field" and "Korobeiniki".

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Andrey Danilov was elected an academician of the IAPN.

On September 25, 2018, Andrey Danilov was awarded a diploma of election as a full member (academician) of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences.

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The PANI website has published a programmatic article by Andrey Danilov, dedicated to work with stress.

On July 20, 2018, an article by A.V. Danilov "Stress as a resource state of the psyche", containing his concept of work with stress states. You can familiarize yourself with the article on the WRITER page in the Articles section.

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The official page of A.V. has appeared on the PANI website. Danilov.

On the website of the Moscow branch of the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, the official page of Academician PANI Andrei Danilov has been created. You can view the page by following the link

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From June 7 to June 12, a series of lectures and trainings by Andrey Danilov took place in St. Petersburg

On June 7, 2018, Andrey Danilov gave a lecture on the nature of stressful conditions at the Etalon Entrepreneurs Club (St. Petersburg). On June 9, A. Danilov delivered the same lecture at the Delo business cluster. In the period from 7 to 12 July, in St. Petersburg, he also conducted two trainings "The path to oneself. Development of personality through the voice" for entrepreneurs of the northern capital.

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A series of trainings by Andrey Danilov took place in Kazakhstan.

In April 2018, in Astana and Almaty, a series of trainings by Andrey Danilov "The Way to Oneself. Development of the Personality through the Voice", as well as individual consultations came.


On February 23, Andrey Danilov held a master class for the actors of the Moscow theater "Mirt".

On February 23, 2018, Andrey Danilov directed a master class for the actors of the Mirt Theater (Moscow). This theater is unique in that people with cerebral palsy and autism form the core of its troupe. This theater, headed by excellent professionals - director N.P. Oralova and director G. Skavitin is a laureate of numerous Russian and foreign theater festivals.

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An article about Andrey Danilov's method has been published on the international Internet portal IMA Wellness.

On February 2, 2018, the international Internet portal IMA Wellness published an article by journalist Elena Alchina "Do you want to be healthy? Sing!", Dedicated to the method of Andrey Danilov. You can read the article by following the link

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Andrey Danilov was awarded the academic degree of Doctor of Psychology.

On January 4, 2018, Andrey Danilov successfully defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Psychology, and on January 31, this degree was awarded to him by the High Inter-Academic Commission. The dissertation was devoted to the presentation of the principles of the scientific direction founded by A. Danilov - "Psychology of voice transformation and personality correction". The site administration congratulates Andrey Viktorovich on a significant event for all of us!

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On June 20-21, Andrey Danilov's training took place in St. Petersburg.

On June 20-21, 2017, Andrey Danilov's training session "The Way to Oneself. Personal Development through the Voice" was held in St. Petersburg.

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In January 2017, a series of trainings by Andrey Danilov took place in Moscow and St. Petersburg.

In January 2017, a series of trainings and individual consultations by Andrey Danilov took place in Moscow and St. Petersburg. In addition, Andrei Viktorovich gave a lecture on his method of teaching singing and voice therapy in the house-museum of M.A. Bulgakov.

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On November 26-27 and December 3-4, training and individual consultations of A. Danilov will take place in Moscow.

On November 26-27 and December 3-4, 2016 in Moscow, in the "Center O", Andrey Danilov's training "Path to oneself. Development of personality through voice" will be held. For participation in the training pressa, please call 8-985-641-09-38, or write to

Also, in the period from November 23 to December 15, 2016, individual consultations of Andrey Danilov will be organized in Moscow. For individual work with Andrey Viktorovich, you can contact him by phone 8 926 324 58 44 and 8 985 835 84 43 starting from November 22.

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In September 2016, a monograph by Andrey Danilov was published by the Pero publishing house in Moscow.

In September 2016, in Moscow, the Pero publishing house published a new monograph by Andrey Danilov, "Human voice as a tool for psychological correction of personality and improvement of social communications." This work is an adapted version of Andrey Danilov's dissertation. Fragments of the book you can read here

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From 10 to 17 February, a series of trainings by Andrey Danilov took place in St. Petersburg.

In the period from 10 to 17 February 2018 in St. Petersburg Andrey Danilov conducted a series of trainings for entrepreneurs and company owners.

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On June 16-18, 2016 Andrey Danilov took part in the VIII International Talent Forum "FASHION HOUSE INTERNATIONAL"

On June 16-18, 2016, the VIII International Forum of talents, models and designers "FASHION HOUSE INTERNATIONAL" was held in Almaty. Andrey Viktorovich took part in the work of the jury, performed several works on the stage of the Forum, and also presented prizes to the laureates in creative nominations. At this Forum, he established his own prize, presented to a 10-year-old singer from Aktau.

Андрей Данилов в жюри Международного Фор

On July 22-26, Andrey Danilov's training "The path to oneself. Development of personality through the voice" was held in Almaty.

On July 22-26, 2016, Andrey Danilov's training course "The Way to Oneself. Personal Development through Voice" was held in Almaty. The training was attended by professional psychologists from Bishkek, Semey and Almaty.


In April 2016, a series of trainings by Andrey Danilov took place in Almaty.

In the period from 2 to 20 April 2016, a series of seminars and trainings by Andrey Danilov took place in Almaty.

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On March 19 and 20, 2016, a seminar and training by Andrey Danilov will take place in Moscow.

On March 19, a seminar will take place, and on March 20, Andrey Danilov's training "The Way to Oneself. Development of a Personality through Voice" will take place at Center O (Moscow). For all questions regarding participation in a seminar or training, please contact the organizers by phone 8-985-641-09-38 or write to mail:


Lecture by Andrey Danilov at the Kazakh National University.

On February 4, 2016, Andrey Danilov held a lecture-seminar on the influence of voice on the human psychosphere for students and teachers of the humanities faculties of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

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Andrey Danilov was elected an academician of the Moscow Aviation Institute.

On May 10, 2016 in Moscow, Andrey Danilov was presented with documents on his election as an academician of the International Academy of Informatization. We sincerely congratulate Andrey Viktorovich on this significant event!

Андрей Данилов. Диплом академика МАИ анг

An article by Andrey Danilov has been published in the scientific publication "Vestnik KazNU".

In October 2015, the article by Andrey Danilov "Socio-psychological study of the role of the voice in the emergence and elimination of psychological clamps" was published in No. 3 (54) of the scientific journal "Vestnik KazNu". In this article, A. Danilov highlighted the main provisions of his method of voice therapy.

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On October 21, 2015, Andrey Danilov's seminar will take place in Almaty.

Andrey Danilov's seminar "Voice in our life" will take place on October 21 in Almaty. At the seminar, the author of the training "Path to yourself. Development of personality through the voice" will talk about

* What role does his voice play in a person's life?
* How do we lose our natural voice and how to get it back?
* How do body and soul ailments arise from holding back our voice?
* How can you quickly get rid of psychological complexes and clamps thanks to breathing and correct sound?
* How to learn to speak, create, work and live easily and in your own way.

The number of seats in the hall is limited, so preliminary registration is required! Sign up by phone +77073675054


Andrey Danilov's training will take place on September 18, 19 and 20 in Moscow

On September 18, 19 and 20, 2015, the next training by Andrey Danilov "The path to oneself. Personal development through the voice" will be held in Moscow. Registration by phone + 7-916-137-50-08.

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An article by Andrey Danilov has been published in a Moscow medical journal.

The Moscow medical journal "Modern Problems of Public Health and Medical Statistics" published an article by A. Danilov "The concept of a method for eliminating muscle and psychological blocks using the techniques of voice therapy and massage." This article outlines the main provisions of a methodology that combines some of the techniques that exist separately in psychology, voice therapy and the art of massage. You can read the article by following this link

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On May 23, Andrey Danilov held a seminar, and on May 25 he took part in a concert dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

On May 23, 2015 Andrey Danilov held a seminar on his method of working with the voice "Sound Energy" at the International Academy of Psychological Sciences in Almaty. On May 25, he took part in a festive concert dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, held at the Kazakh State Philharmonic named after I. Zhambyla.

Андрей Данилов поет на концерте, посвяще

From April 18 to April 26, Andrey Danilov's trainings will be held in Moscow.

On April 18, 19, 25 and 26, 2015, Andrey Danilov's trainings "The Way to Oneself. Personal Development through the Voice" will be held in Moscow. Registration by phone + 7-916-137-50-08.


Andrey Danilov took part in the VII International Talent Forum.

On June 18-20, 2015, the VII International Forum of Talents, Models and Designers was held in Almaty. Andrey Danilov took part in the Forum as a member of the jury and acted as a special guest.

Андрей Данилов с участниками 7 Междунаро

The Russian Internet portal and the channel of the same name youtube published a conversation between Andrey Danilov, sound researcher Mikhail Urakov, and polystylist violinist Andrey Chistyakov about the nature of sound.

On the Russian Internet portal and the official youtube channel of this Internet resource a video of the conversation of Andrey Danilov engineer, researcher Mikhail Urakov and polystylist violinist Andrey Chistyakov on the art of singing and the nature of sound. The conversation is recorded as an informal "kitchen conversation". The video was published under the title "Andrey Danilov Singing School" Sound Energy "."


On March 20-24, 2015 Andrey Danilov took part in the work of the International Arts Festival as a member of the jury.

From 20 to 24 March 2015, Almaty hosted the International Arts Festival, in which Andrey Danilov took part as a member of the jury of the vocalists and actors competition.

Андрей Данилов на гала-концерте Междунар

Andrey Danilov returned from a trip to Vietnam, where the International Talent Forum was held.

Andrey Danilov took part in the International Forum of Talents, Models and Designers, held in Vietnam from October 29 to November 1, 2014. Andrey performed as an invited guest at the Forum opening and gala concert broadcasted by Vietnamese television, and was also a member of the Forum jury.

Andrey Danilov speaks at the gala concer

Andrey Danilov's methodology "Sound Energy" received the status of a work of science.

On July 21, 2014, the method of teaching singing "Sound Energy" was registered as a work of science.


May 25, 2014 Andrey Danilov sings at the Slavic Wreath concert.

On May 25, 2014 Andrey Danilov takes part in the Slavic Wreath concert ", which will take place in the Kazakhconcert hall. The songs" Near the Black Sea "(S. Kirsanov-M. Tabachnikov)," Dark mounds are sleeping "(N. Laskin-N. Bogoslovsky) and the Belarusian folk song "Mowed Yas Konyushinu".


On February 22, 2015, Andrey Danilov's training course "The Way to Oneself. Personal Development through the Voice" was held in Moscow.

On February 22, 2015, Andrey Danilov's training course "The Way to Oneself. Personal Development through the Voice" was held in Moscow.

Here are the feedback from some of the participants in the training:

Yuri Olenchenko

Tatiana Alexandrova


Inna Shustova

Андрей Данилов. Семинар Энергия звука в

Course in practical psychophysiology for graduate students of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

In May 2024, A. Danilov, together with RSUH Associate Professor R. Barabanov, taught a course in practical psychophysiology for master's and postgraduate students of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

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Seminar "Psychophysiological face massage" in Moscow.

On March 23, 2024, A.V. Danilov held a seminar "Psychophysiological face massage" using his own method. The seminar was organized by the company SPAQUATORIA (Moscow)

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Interview with psychologist Andrey Kovalev.

On February 28, 2024, A.V. Danilov gave an interview to psychologist A. Kovalev. The topic of the interview: "Psychosomatics: truth or fiction?" You can watch the interview by following the link.

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Seminar "Stress as a resource state of the psyche" in Moscow.

In January 2024, A.V. Danilov conducted a practical seminar “Stress as a resource state of the psyche” for employees of the companies THALION THALLASSO COSMETICS and SPAQUATORIA (Moscow).

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A new article by A.V. Danilov.

In the third issue of 2023 of the magazine "Bulletin of MASI", an article by A.V. Danilov and Associate Professor of the St. Petersburg Conservatory E.Sh. Davidenkova-Khmara: “Researching acoustic characteristics of voice that have harmonizing influence of human psycho-physiological system”. This article presents the results of an acoustic study of the frequencies of the human voice, which are a tool for psychophysiological correction according to the method of A. Danilov.

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Seminar on psychophysiological massage.

On September 28, 2023, A. Danilov conducted a seminar on psychophysiological massage in Kaliningrad. Psychophysiological massage is the author’s technique of A. Danilov, which makes it possible to eliminate psychological blocks localized in the human body. At the Kaliningrad massage technology training center "Amethyst", a group of professional massage therapists mastered this method, expanding the range of their professional competencies.

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New edition of the book by A. Danilov

In July 2023, Ridero publishing house published a new version of A. Danilov’s book “The Human Voice as a Tool for Psychological Personality Correction and Improving Social Communications.” You can purchase the electronic and printed versions of the book by following the link

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Concert in memory of I.V. Trotsenko.

On May 27, 2023, Andrey Danilov took part in a concert dedicated to the memory of the organizer of his solo concerts in Almaty - Irina Vasilievna Trotsenko. He performed 2 songs.

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A new article by A.V. Danilov.

In the first number 2023 of the year of the journal "Vestnik MASI", published in an article by A.V. Danilov: "Possibilities and prospects of the theory of personality as a single bio-psycho-social system". In this article, Andrei Viktorovich briefly outlined his theory of the psychophysiological matrix.

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Training "Stress is a resource state of the psyche".

On February 25, 2023, A. Danilov's held а group training "Stress is a resource state of the psyche" took place in Moscow. Feedback from one of the training participants can be viewed by clicking on the link

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Filming in the TV show "Hi, Andrey"

During a trip to Moscow, A.V. Danilov took part in the filming of the TV show "Hi, Andrei" on the First Channel of Russia. He sang the songs "Lonely Harmonica" and "Hear me, good girl."

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Lecture for Publicis Groupe employees

October 19, 2022 A.V. Danilov gave a lecture and held a master class on the principles of using voice, breathing and body-oriented practices in personal and social implementation for employees of the Almaty branch of Publicis Groupe.

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New edition of the book "Psychology of sound".

The Psychology of Sound" - one of the most famous books by A.V. Danilov was also previously available to readers only in paper form. In May 2022 it was published by the Ridero publishing house and now it can be purchased both in electronic and in printed format. After reading "Psychology sound", you can learn about how, with the help of voice and breathing, a person can establish control over his psyche and health, how to get rid of psychological blocks and the effects of stress. This book will help you explore the strengths and weaknesses of your personality, find your totem and archetype and become an outstanding master of communication.

You can buy the book "Psychology of Sound" by clicking on the link

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New interview with Andrey Danilov. 

In May 2022 Andrey Danilov gave an interview to MIT Associate Professor, PhD R.E. Barabanov within the framework of the international project "Practices of a new reality". The interview talks about the risks of information impact on a person and the practices of working with stress. You can watch the video by clicking on the link

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A.V. Danilov took part in the PASA All-Russian Biennale.

In April 2022, the Petri Primi academia scentiarum et atrium held the All-Russian Scientific and Educational Biennale highlighting the achievements of the members of the Academy. A. V. Danilov was presented as a scientist, singer, teacher and writer.

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Anniversary A.V. Danilov.

On May 21, 2021, Andrey Viktorovich Danilov turned 50! The administration of the site congratulates the hero of the day on this significant event and wishes him health and many years of fruitful work in the field of science and art !!

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A new article by Andrey Danilov has been published.

On June 27, 2020, the PANI website published a new article by Andrey Danilov "METHOD OF COMPLEX PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGICAL MASSAGE ©", which describes his new massage method using breathing and voice practices. You can read the article on the WRITER page in the Selected Articles section.

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A new article by Andrey Danilov has been published.

July 10, 2020 in PEM: Psychology. Educology. Medicine. - 2020. - No. 1 a new article by A.V. Danilova "Investigation of the influence of voice, respiratory and body-oriented psychological practices on human physiological systems." You can read the article by following the link

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A new article by A.V. Danilova

On January 6, 2020, the PANI website published a new article by Andrey Danilov "Human face as a projection of pain", dedicated to his method of psychophysiological facial massage. You can read the article on the WRITER page in the Selected Articles section.

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Andrey Danilov's master class in St. Petersburg.

On November 21, 2019, Andrey Danilov held a master class on the topic "Effective use of human resources and achieving super-productivity" for young entrepreneurs of St. Petersburg.


May 4 A.V. Danilov held a master class for the vocalists of the competition

On May 4, 2019, Andrey Danilov held a master class for young vocalists - participants of the International Competition in Atyrau.

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Project by photographer Natalia Danilova.

Andrey Danilov took part in the project of the photographer and author of the psychological training "Phototherapy. I see myself" by Natalia Danilova. The Human Totem project is a series of photographs of famous people, revealing the coincidence with the energy of this or that animal. This project aims to fix the manifestation in modern man of his pagan roots. Andrey Danilov acted as a model for the project, embodying a wolf totem in it.

Андрей Данилов. Фото-проект Натальи Дани

Andrey Danilov's first online course has been released.

The first online course by A.V. Danilova "Stress as a resource of the psyche". How does it differ from similar courses that already exist on the Internet? Most stress management techniques are based on the idea that stress is an unconditional evil that must be fought with all your might. Andrey Danilov's practice has shown that stress can be a powerful source of vitality, much more powerful than positive emotions.

We can take control of this colossal resource of our psyche and make it an obedient tool for the implementation of any life tasks, structuring the energy of stress with the help of breathing, voice and body-oriented practices outlined in the course.

You can get acquainted with the course in more detail and purchase it on the ONLINE COURSES page

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Andrey Danilov's training will take place on September 21-22 in St. Petersburg.

From September 14 to 20, 2019, Andrey Danilov conducts individual psychological consultations in Moscow, and on September 21-22, the training "Path to oneself. Personal development through voice" will take place in St. Petersburg. You can become a participant of the training by following the link


The program of A. Danilov's stay in Moscow in January-February 2019.

From January 26 to February 7, 2019, Andrey Danilov conducted a corporate training in the "Successful People" center in Moscow, a series of individual consultations and a study of the impact of voice practices on human health. He also performed at an evening organized by the Peter's Academy of Sciences and Arts, performing the song "Dedication to Caruso".

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A new book by Andrey Danilov has been published in Europe.

In January 2019, the publishing house of scientific literature LAMBERT Academic Pablishing published a collection of articles by A. V. Danilov "Method of voice psychophysiological correction". You can familiarize yourself with the book on the WRITER page.

Андрей Данилов Метод голосовой психокорр

Andrey Danilov's training in Almaty.

On January 5-8, 2019 in Almaty, Andrey Danilov's training "The Way to Oneself. Development of the Personality through the Voice


A new article by A.V. Danilov has been published on the PANI website.

On December 24, 2018, the PANI website published an article by Andrey Danilov "Psychophysiological matrix and its impact on human life", in which he outlined his new concept of the formation of a program that affects all aspects of human life. You can get acquainted with the article on the WRITER page in the Selected articles section.

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The program of A. Danilov's stay in St. Petersburg.

From 9 to 13 November 2018, Andrey Danilov was in St. Petersburg. During this period, he gave a lecture at the psychological center "Psychometrics", conducted a group training, gave an hour-long interview on the radio "Shock" and an interview for the documentary film "12 parental curses".


An article by Andrey Danilov has been published on the PANI website.

On October 11, 2018, a new article by A.V. Danilova "Possibilities of using voice psychological correction in cosmetology and the Spa and Wellness industry." The article discusses the ways of using voice and body-oriented practices in cosmetology and Spa and Wellness. You can read the article on the WRITER page in the Featured Articles section.

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An article by A. Danilov "Raising a child - educate yourself" has been published on the PANI website.

On September 13, 2018, the PANI website published an article by A. Danilov "Raising a child - educate yourself", dedicated to the presentation of his views on the process of raising children. You can read the article on the WRITER page in the Selected Articles section.

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Live on the Topspafest community.

On February 24, 2019, Andrey Danilov hosted a live broadcast on the social network Facebook (Topspafest community). The lecture was devoted to the application of the techniques of the method of voice psychophysiological transformation and personality correction in the work of specialists in the spa & wellness industry. During the live broadcast, the techniques of using voice techniques in the work of massage therapists were demonstrated.

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A. Danilov made a presentation at the X International Congress of Spa & Wellness in Moscow.

November 5-6, 2018 A.V. Danilov made a presentation on the possibility of using voice and body-oriented techniques in the Spa & Wellness industry. He also gave a master class, where he demonstrated practical methods of working with clients for spa professionals.


May 2-5, 2018 Andrey Danilov took part in the International Arts Festival "

On May 2-5, 2018 Andrey Danilov took part in the International Arts Festival "" (Atyrau, Kazakhstan). He was a member of the jury, gave a master class to the vocalists participating in the festival, and performed the song at the Gala concert.

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A new monograph by Andrey Danilov has been published.

In March 2018, a new book by A.V. Danilova "Psychology of voice transformation and personality correction". This monograph is a doctoral dissertation adapted for publication by Andrey Danilov, which sets out the principles of the scientific direction he founded.

Андрей Данилов Психология голосовой тран

Andrey Danilov was elected an academician of the Petrovsk Academy of Sciences and Arts.

On June 23, 2018, in Moscow, Andrey Danilov was presented with documents on his election as an academician of the Petrovsk Academy of Sciences and Arts. The site administration congratulates Andrey Viktorovich on this significant event!

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A lecture and a series of trainings by Andrey Danilov took place in St. Petersburg.

On January 11, 2018, a lecture by Andrey Danilov on the topic "Voice as a means of transforming life" was held at the Etalon St. Petersburg club of entrepreneurs. A series of trainings for club members took place from 12 to 18 January.

Лекция в клубе Эталон (Санкт-Петербург).

Andrey Danilov's student won the Grand Prix at the International Competition in Macedonia.

A young singer from Atyrau Sanat Asuat won the Grand Prix at the Zvezdichki International Vocal Competition held in Macedonia. The conditions of this competition are as close as possible to the Eurovision standards - participants must sing a song in their native language, specially written for this project. The competition is broadcasted by Macedonian television throughout the country and neighboring countries live and widely covered in the press.

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On May 1-5, 2017, Andrey Danilov was a member of the jury of the International Competition in Atyrau.

On May 1-5, 2017, Andrey Danilov worked as a member of the jury of the International Competition in Atyrau.

Андрей Данилов на конкурсе Almaly kz в А

An article by Andrey Danilov has been published on the PANI website.

On July 14, 2018, an article by A.V. Danilova "The influence of work with voice on the psyche and human health." You can read the article on the WRITER page in the Articles section.

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In October 2016, Andrey Danilov's solo disc was released.

In October 2016, Andrey Danilov's solo disc "Some love stories .." was released on the Internet and on physical media. The album is a study of the phenomenon of love using musical compositions of various styles. The disc consists of 12 works, which include old and classical arias, Russian folk song and old gypsy romance, as well as pop songs of different genres. The works are performed in Italian, Spanish, English, German, French and Russian. You can listen to the album on the SINGER page of the official website and on Andrey Danilov's SoundCloud page

Андрей Данилов. Обложка диска Some love

On September 17-18 and 24-25, training by Andrey Danilov took place in Moscow.

September 17-18 and 24-25, 2016 in Moscow. at the Center O took place the training of Andrey Danilov "The path to oneself. Development of personality through the voice". This training is notable for the record number of participants - 14 people, despite the fact that there is a limit of 12 participants at the trainings of Andrey Viktorovich. According to Andrey Viktorovich, this was one of his most effective trainings.

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On July 1, 2016 Andrey Danilov held a seminar in Astana.

On July 1, 2016, Andrey Danilov conducted a training seminar "The Way to Oneself. Personal Development through Voice" in Astana.

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On May 14, Andrey Danilov made a presentation at the International Congress "Psychology of the XXI Century (Novikov Readings) in Yaroslavl.

On May 13-15, 2016, the International Congress "Psychology of the XXI Century (Novikov Readings) was held in Yaroslavl. An article by Andrey Danilov" Vibration hearing as one of the tools for diagnosing and tracking the dynamics of correction of the psychological state of the client in the work of a psychologist "was published in the materials of the congress. Andrey Viktorovich spoke at the congress with a report on his method of voice psychocorrection In the photo A. Danilov with the head of the congress section, professor, academician NP Fetiskin.

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Andrey Danilov's trainings will take place on May 7-9 in Moscow.

On May 7, 8 and 9, 2016 in Moscow, Andrey Danilov's training "The path to oneself. Development of personality through the voice" will take place. For participation in the training, please contact the organizers by phone 8-985-641-09-38, or write to mail:


Andrey Danilov received his PhD degree and was elected a corresponding member of the IAPN.

At the beginning of 2016, Andrey Danilov successfully defended his thesis on "Human voice as a tool for psychological correction of personality and improvement of social communications", receiving a PhD - Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology. Based on the results of his dissertation defense, he was also elected a Corresponding Member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences.

Диплом о присвоении Андрею Данилову  сте

On February 26, 27 and 28, 2016, Andrey Danilov's trainings will take place in Moscow.

On February 26, 27 and 28, 2016, Andrey Danilov's training session "The Way to Oneself. Personal Development through Voice" will take place in Moscow. For participation in the training, please call + 7-916-137-50-08.

Андрей Данилов проводит тренинг в Центре

An article by Andrey Danilov has been published in the journal "Vestnik KazNU".

In December 2015, the scientific publication "Vestnik KazNU" published an article by Andrey Danilov "Some aspects of changing a person's thinking style in the process of tuning his voice." In this article, A. Danilov talks about his observations of changes in the basic patterns of thinking of the participants in his training "Path to oneself. Development of personality through the voice."

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On December 19-20, Andrey Danilov's training will take place in Moscow.

On December 19 and 20, 2015, Andrey Danilov's training session "The Way to Oneself. Personal Development through Voice" will take place in Moscow. For participation in the training, call + 7-916-137-50-08.

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On October 24, the training of Andrey Danilov "The path to oneself. Development of personality through the voice" will be held in Almaty.

On October 24, 2015, Andrey Danilov's training session "The Way to Oneself. Personal Development through Voice" will take place in Almaty. Registration by phone +77073675054.

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On September 24, Andrey Danilov took part in the work of the jury of the karaoke competition among the banking sector employees.

On September 24, 2015 in the sports and entertainment center "Metro" (Almaty), a karaoke competition was held among employees of the banking sector of Kazakhstan. Andrey Danilov took part in this event as a jury member and vocal expert.

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On June 20, Andrey Danilov's training course "The Way to Oneself. Personal Development through Voice" was held in Almaty.

On June 20, 2015 at the International Academy of Psychological Sciences in Almaty Andrey Danilov's training "The Way to Oneself. Development of the Personality through the Voice" was held.


In December 2015, a new book by Andrey Danilov was published.

At the end of 2015 in Moscow, the Pero publishing house published a new book by Andrey Danilov "The Psychology of Sound". In it, he talks about the experience of conducting his training "The Way to Oneself. Personal Development through the Voice" and about the impact of a person's voice on all spheres of his life.

Андрей Данилов. Психология звука обложка

From April 18 to April 27, 2015, Andrey Danilov conducted trainings and a seminar in Moscow, and was also a member of the jury of the Fermata music and poetry forum in Kolomenskoye.

From 18 to 27 April 2015 Andrey Danilov worked in Moscow. On April 18 and 19, he conducted trainings "The Way to Oneself. Personal Development through Voice", from April 20 to April 22 he was a member of the jury of the Fermata International Music and Poetry Forum in Kolomenskoye, on April 24 he held a seminar "The Sacred Nature of Sound" at the Center On April 25 and 26, I again conducted the training "The path to oneself. Development of personality through the voice". In the photo, Andrei Danilov with his colleagues on the jury of the International Music and Poetry Forum "Fermata" - Professor of the Moscow Conservatory E.P. Savelyeva and soloist of the Bolshoi Theater, Honored Artist of Russia Irina Bikulova.

Андрей Данилов в жюри Международного муз

Andrey Danilov was awarded the title of "Honorary Artist".

On November 3, 2014 Andrey Danilov was awarded the title of "Honorary Artist". This public award was established by the Russian party of creative people "Morning" to encourage masters of art, producers and patrons of the arts who have made a significant contribution to the development of world culture. The award was presented by the chairman of the Morning party O.V. Chelyshev.

Andrey Danilov Presentation badge and a

On June 5, 6 and 7, 2015, Andrey Danilov's trainings will take place in Moscow.

On June 5, 6 and 7, 2015, Andrey Danilov's trainings "The Way to Oneself. Personal Development through the Voice" will be held in Moscow. Registration by phone + 7-916-137-50-08.

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A seminar-presentation of Andrey Danilov's methodology was held in Moscow.

On January 22, 2015, in Moscow, Andrey Danilov held a seminar presenting his method of unblocking psychological clamps by using the correct voice tuning.

Andrey Danilov holds a seminar in Moscow

From March 26 to March 29, 2015, seminars and trainings by Andrey Danilov will take place in Moscow.

On March 27, 2015 in Moscow Andrey Danilov conducts a seminar-presentation of his method of working with the voice "Sound Energy".

On March 28, the training "Path to yourself. Development of personality through the voice" (stage 1) will take place

March 29 - Stage 2 of this unique training.

Registration for the seminar and training by phone + 7-916-137-50-08.

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Andrey Danilov was elected an Honorary Member of the Association of Psychologists of Uzbekistan.

At the end of November 2014, in Tashkent (Uzbekistan), Andrey Danilov held a two-day training on his method of unlocking psychological clamps with the help of his voice for psychologists and psychotherapists. Based on the results of Andrey Danilov's work in Uzbekistan, he was awarded a letter of gratitude and a certificate of election as an Honorary Member of the Association of Psychologists of Uzbekistan. You can find these documents on the page " Diplomas and Letters of Gratitude "

Andrey Danilov. Honorary member of the A

Andrey Danilov took part in the festival dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of M. Yu. Lermontov.

August 2, 2014 at the Russian Theater for Young Spectators named after N. Sats held a festival dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of M.Yu. Lermontov. Andrei Danilov took part in it as a specially invited guest, performing the Demon's aria from the opera of the same name by A. Rubinstein and E. Shashina's romance "I walk out on the road alone"


A new book by Andrey Danilov has been published.

In February 2014, the publishing house "Pero" published a new book by Andrey Danilov "The Energy of Sound. Our Voice Creates a New Reality" in Moscow.

Book abstract:

Andrey Danilov is a singer and teacher, the creator of the method of teaching singing "The Energy of Sound" and the training system "The Way to Oneself. Personal development through the voice. " Thanks to his methodology, people who do not have vocal data by nature begin a successful professional career, and training participants solve psychological problems using their own voices. In this book, Andrey Danilov talks about how to find your unique timbre, how our voice is able to change the world around us, and describes in detail all the stages of a professional singer’s development - from the basics of sound extraction to developing artistic charisma and creating a brand out of a singer.


Andrey Danilov's training presentation in Almaty

On June 11, 2014 in Almaty Newton creative school is holding a presentation of the training by Andrey Danilov "The magic of the voice. The new sound of your life".

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© 2014-2024 by Andrey Danilov


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