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Books by Andrey Danilov

All books and articles are written in Russian

Book by Andrey Danilov "The Psychophysiological Matrix of Man. What Controls Our Life?" Publishing house "Ridero", 2021.


Video presentation of the book

Book by Andrey Danilov "History of the Superman". Storybook, Publishing house "Ridero", 2022.

Андрей Данилов История сверхчеловека_edited.jpg

                                      Book by Andrey Danilov

    "The energy of sound. Our voice creates a new reality.", Publishing house " Ridero", 2022.

Андрей Данилов Энергия звука.jpg

         Book by Andrey Danilov  " The Psychology of Sound ", Publishing house  "Ridero", 2022.

Андрей Данилов Психология звука.jpg

Collection of articles by Andrey Danilov "Method of voice psychological correction". Ed. LAMBERT Academic Pablishing, 2019.

Fragments of the monograph by Andrey Danilov "Psychology of voice transformation and personality correction", Moscow, Izd. "Pen", 2018.

For the purchase of the full version of the book by Andrey Danilov "The Psychology of Voice Transformation and Personality Correction", please write to the e-mail:

Fragments of the monograph by Andrey Danilov "The human voice as a tool for psychological correction of personality and improvement of social communications", Moscow, Publishing house. "Pen", 2016

А. Данилов. Книга Голос человека как инструмент психологической коррекции личности.jpg

Selected articles by Andrey Danilov

Stress as a resource state of the psyche.

In nursing a child - educate yourself.

In the possibility of using voice psychological correction in cosmetology and the Spa and Wellness industry.

The concept of a method for eliminating muscle and psychological blocks using voice therapy and massage techniques

Psychophysiological matrix and its influence on human life

Human face as a projection of pain

Study of the influence of voice, respiratory and body-oriented psychological practices on human physiological systems

Complex psychophysiological massage technique

RESEARCHING ACOUSTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF VOICE THAT HAVE HARMONIZING INFLUENCE ON HUMAN PSYCHO-PHYSIOLOGICAL SYSTEM. - Moscow Information and Technology University – Moscow Architecture and Construction Institute REVIEW №3, 2023. Pp. 81.

,Infantility: the phenomenon of transforming an instrument of evolution into a factor of psychological destruction. - Moscow Information and Technology University – Moscow Architecture and Construction Institute REVIEW №1, 2024. Стр. 76.

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